ByUmut Uskolik Üye
Kayıt tarihi : 02/07/09
Kaynaklarınız: Kil:: 41 ODUN:: 1 DEMİR:: 0
| Konu: System Mechanic Pro v9.0.0 (2009) Perş. Tem. 23 2009, 01:52 | |
System Mechanic Pro v9.0.0 (2009) | 17.6 Mb System Mechanic, seçkin bir Windows bakım aracıdır. 30 adet araç içeriyor. Bunlar; sistem kayıt defteri temizleyicisi, internet bağlantı düzenleyicisi, gereksiz, fazla ve ilişiksiz dosya ayıklayıcı, Pop-up temizliği, hızlı disk birleştirme özelliği, internet hızını arttırma, hafızayı boşaltma, çift dosyaları bulma, Windows ayarlarını değiştirebilme gibi araçlardır.
The package of tools designed to maintain the computer at the highest level. System Mechanic can seek unnecessary and duplicate files, clean registry, find the incorrect labels, delete the references to non-removal programs to track changes made during installation, manage autoloading, to clean up the hard drive of unneeded files, defragment the hold, and much more.
New Product:
* PC Health Status Gadget NEW
* EnergyBooster ™ NEW
* Total Registry Revitalizer ™ NEW
* Incinerator ® for Recycle Bin NEW
* Tune-up Definitions ™ NEW
What's new in v9?
Tune-up Definitions ™
Diagnose and resolve 1000's of new problems.
EnergyBooster ™
Turn off unused programs for max performance.
Registry Tuner
Detect and fix up to 500% more registry problems.
PLUS ...
hundreds more enhancements that make System Mechanic more effective than ever before!
or alternatively use the supplied patch.
* Use at your own risk, and don't forget to read instructions carefully!!
* Stop all components, including System Mechanic, Firewall, Antivirus, SMSystemAnalyzer, SMTrayNotify, Drive Scrubber & SearchAndRecover, failing to do so will result in improper work.
* To reset your license details, check "Reset license information" and select target component and when you see the welcome screen, press "start 30-day evaluation period".
* Keys generated by keymaker are not official, they will work only side by side with this tool.
* To register offline, check "Subscribe offline" and check "Reset license information", if you want to extend the "30 days" check "Subscribe until" and choose the required period and choose your target component, when you see the license screen press "Enter license information" and enter the proper serials from keymaker into the registration box. (2 serials needed for stand alone license - one for system mechanic, and another for antivirus, and / or 1 pro serial needed for subscription license)
* After completing registration, restart application.You may use "Patch online check" to avoid online check, it's not needed unless you are always connected to web. | |